Dr. Lutz Brusch

Pic of Dr. Lutz Brusch

Research Group Leader – Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing – Technische Universitaet Dresden

deep-hcc Co-Coordinator

Role in LiSyM-Cancer

  • Co-coordinator and project leader in DEEP-HCC
  • Application of simulation software for large spatially resolved models to integrate biomarker with spatial patterns from experiments and mechanistic models to reveal progression mechanisms and marker candidates


  • High performance computing for image- and data-driven construction and simulation of large spatio-temporal models and bifurcation analysis from dynamical systems theory
  • Fostering modeling and simulation through modeling languages
  • Standardized model exchange following the FAIR principles MultiCellML.org.
  • Leading the development of Morpheus, an open-source modeling and simulation framework Morpheus.gitlab.io.
  • Public model repository: Morpheus.gitlab.io/model.
  • Parameter estimation tool: FitMultiCell.gitlab.io.


  • PhD in Physics, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden

Professional Experience

  • Since 2008, Group leader at Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH), TU Dresden
  • 2004 – 2007, Postdoctoral work at Center for High Performance Computing, TU Dresden
  • 2003 – 2004, Postdoctoral work at Centre de Bioingenierie Gilbert Durand, Toulouse, France
  • 1998 – 2002, PhD/Postdoctoral work at MPI-PKS, Dresden

Honors and Awards (selection)

  • Otto Hahn Medal, Max Planck Society